Regardless of the fact that it is still unclear which was the first helicopter rescue service activated in Italy, which dates back to the second half of the 80s, it is certain that in the field of emergency medical services with helicopters the operating methods have changed completely. We have gone from bringing first aid to the patient, with the aim of stabilizing him and then having him arrive at the hospital as soon as possible, to the paradigm shift whereby “the hospital is brought” to where the patient is and treatment is started there, to then continue during the transfer to the hospital. From helicopter ambulance services activated on a local, often provincial, basis, we have arrived at contracts that normally cover the entire regional territory, and only two regions, at the moment, remain excluded from this service: Molise and Puglia for the central-southern part of the regional territory only. We have gone from the six bases in Sicily to the single base in Umbria and all the helicopters now wear very similar liveries with red and yellow colors. However, it is a reality, probably the best in Europe, which allows all citizens to count on a service that health authorities can no longer do without.

Location: Alessandria -Piemonte Region
Model: AW169
Registration: I-TRGT
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 12/03/25
Location: Massa Cinquale Airport – Toscana Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-TOMS
Operator: Avincis
Date: 20/09/24
Location: Somma – Lombardia Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-MVRK
Operator: Avincis
Date: 02/11/24
Location: Firenze Hospital – Toscana Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-SWRS
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 03/05/22
Location: Bologna Hospital – Emilia Romagna Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-PTVR
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 03/05/22
Location: Parma Hospital – Emilia Romagna Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-FNTS
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 19/09/21
Location: Brescia Hospital –  HEMS Lombardia Region
Model: EC145T2
Registration: I-BRXA
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 05/03/22
Location: Bergamo Hospital – Lombardia Region
Model: EC145 T2
Registration: I-LMBD
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 05/03/22
Location: Fabriano – Marche  Region
Model: AW169
Registration: I-SMBA
Operator:  Babcock Italia
Date: 02/07/20
Location: Treviso Hospital – Veneto  Region
Model: AW169
Registration: I-LHCA
Operator:  Babcock Italia
Date: 24/11/20
Location: Trento Airport – Trentino Alto Adige Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-NOST
Operator: Vigili del Fuoco Provincia Autonoma di Trento
Date: 14/10/21
Location: Verona – Veneto Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-AHTD
Operator: Avincis
Date: 25/06/23
Location: Alghero – Sardegna Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-TDUE
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 01/09/2019
Location: Cosenza – Calabria Region
Model: A109S
Registration: I-PNTE
Operator: Elitaliana
Date: 16/06/21
Location: L’Aquila – Abruzzo Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-LAQU
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 16/06/21
Location: Genova – Liguria Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-LEAF
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 23/08/22
Location: Belluno – Veneto  Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-SLND
Operator: Avincis
Date: 27/02/25
Location: Torino – Piemonte  Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-NOST
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 02/10/22
Location: Olbia – Sardegna  Region
Model: AW139
Registration: I-OLBI
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 02/06/19
Location: Cagliari – Sardegna  Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-TORQ
Operator: Airgreen
Date: 09/2019
Location: Matera Hospital – Basilicata  Region
Model: H145
Registration: I-STLV
Operator: Babcock Italia
Date: 09/06/21

In the following pages, you will find photos from the first (over) thirty years of helicopter medical rescue activity. From the first used helicopters, single-engined Alouette III and Ecureil, to the A109 and AB412, up to the larger aircraft like the BK117, H145, AW139…

Inaer AB412EP - Reg. I-EITB Caltanissetta, luglio 2005
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